Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We are broke.
Beings we had only 3 dollars the other day and Larry's been to work I'm guessing we are now beyond broke.
We have all of today and all of tomorrow to slog through. Then on Friday, beings the first is on Saturday, I'm supposed to get my SSI payment in the bank. Unless they are bastards and deposit it in on Friday night. I hope this is not the case though...

We have very little food. All I've had to eat for the past day is egg drop soup. Nothing more than lightly seasoned chicken broth, a egg and some chopped up green onion.

I'm sort of really hungry!

The kids are all fine for food though. Tis is why I'm eating broth sos they can have the food we do have in the house.


I am suffering a powerful craving for KFC's grilled chicken. Oh! I am so hungry right now for it I think I may go crazy!

Gaw this is awful! Just awful! well the babies are up so I gotta run. I just thought I'd share this.

On Friday I am, among paying bills and ordering uselessness from the internet I've been meaning to order for months but now it is going on clearence so I'm sure I best act now or else... am going to buy some KFC grilled chicken.

And Larry told me depending of if we have the girls or not we might... gasp! go out to a place to eat. Ryon's steakhouse/buffette! Woo! I don't remember the last time we went out to eat at a place. Oh when my folks were up in April. :-) But that doesn't count really. Oh God steak. Buffette. drewls... :-)

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